Socializing Indian Community

Monday, January 19, 2009

Achieve Any Goals in Your Life

Hi freinds,

Learn here to achieve & set goals in your life.

Goals works for everyone it can be a person, company an organization,

Everybody have some goals in their life but few of them work hard to achieve them.

So here i will give you some techniques to achieve goals in your life.

Goals can be pesonal goals, financial goals, etc, etc

So make a list of goals to acheive in each particular field, like prepare a list of Financial Goals to achieve, personal goals to achieve, etc

If you setup goals you remain focused and when you are focused you do actions and actions always gives results

Some important thing to keep in mind is that you should exactly know what your goal is.
Sit down and write down the reasons why you want to acheive this goals note down the points.

You should have good feeling for your goals rather than a feeling of lackness to achieve your goals

There is a deifnate formula in achieveing goals in life if you follow this formula consistently you will see results with your goal.

You should be honest with your goals make goals which can be acheived by you other wise you will feel frustrated when you expect too high when you dont achieve them.

If you have big goals divide it in various steps to achieve i mean sub goals for a particular Goal.

This will give a clear pathway to your big goals.

Describe the time line to achieve goals like, your goals for this month, your goals for next three months, six months or year you can choose according to your goal.

Now follow this steps and make your goals to achieve

First decide what exactly is your goal then after knowing your goal set a specific time limit for that goal to acheive. First write down your goal on paper.

Make a Brief Plan on how would you achieve this goal.

Now look for the people and organiztions which you will require to achieve your goal.

After this visiualize your goal getting already done if your goal is for a amount then visiualize you have that amount already with you.

you can refer some books with famous authors like ZigZiglar.

If you do this then you will never waste your time in thinking how to complete a task rather than this you wil take necessary steps to accomplish it.

Another thing you have to learn is visiualizing your goals as already achieved have the feeling of happiness after you have achieved your goals.

Learn more about the Visulaization technique and the Law of Attraction Here

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